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Coffeehouse Quiz

Date(s) - 21/01/2022
18:00 - 21:00

Cafe Ministerium

In the age-old tradition of the British Pub Quiz, we want to organise for the first time a Coffee House Quiz!

Alexander Willer and Marlies Geier will moderate and design this quiz.


To start with, we form Groups of Four. Each group selects a unique name for itself.

In five subject areas, they compete against each other in English, each with five questions. The topics are in the following order: England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and the UK.

The difficulty level increases from subject to subject area to ensure a precise selection of the best groups.

The groups’ results for each topic are documented on a flipchart and thus communicated transparently to everyone.

Finally, the participants of the winning group will be awarded a prize.
As usual, the Café Ministerium will serve a flying dinner and drinks.