December 2021
ABS-NL 2021-12 - header


  • Editorial - ABS Corporate membership
  • Presidential Video Message
  • ABS Events November 2021
  • Looking for a Christmas present?
  • 25 ABS Events in 6 months
  • The new ABS bank account
  • The Last Page


ABS-NL 2021-06 - jr
Dear Members and Friends of the ABS!

I guess nobody will ever get used to it - to all the lockdowns we continually experiencing since spring 2020. We need to accept that this virus has come to stay and that life as we previously have been used to will not come back. We need to integrate this virus into our living concept - otherwise, we will become mentally ill - which is the most dangerous aspect of all! Hence, we are striving to provide you with good news - lockdown or not!

Therefore, let us focus on something special of fill our minds with positive aspects, as frequently questions are forwarded to us about the


Who are those, and what's all on about it? Here are the answers! Next month we are happy to welcome number 40 to this exclusive group of companies! With the help of these valuable members, we manage to provide you with exciting events throughout the year and make the ABS a valuable business network.

But each one of the ABS Corporate members is enjoying specific advantages provided by our honourable society:
  • Highly exclusive events for Corporate members only!
  • Granting the option to register up to 4 guests to each ABS Event - whether persons of the member company itself, business partners, or appreciated business contacts of the ABS Corporate member.
  • Presentation of the company and its services throughout the network of ABS members and Corporate members.
  • Using the ABS networking services provided by the President and the Board members, including the participation in business circles and networking meetings.
And by the way: The ABS Corporate membership is accessible to individuals as well, meaning that no business registration will be needed to apply if you value the advantages provided.

Hoping that this has answered most of the questions about the premium membership offered by the ABS, our President, Dr Tiroch, is happy to answer any further questions. Just click here! And who knows, maybe you think about joining this exclusive group! To provide the utmost service level, if you do so, follow this link.

Stay healthy, and the best season greetings to all of you!

Yours Jochen Ressel,


ABS-NL 2021-12 - tiroch
Die ABS-Weihnachtsbotschaft von ABS-Präsident Prof. KR Dr. Kurt Tiroch

ABS-NL 2021-12 - xmas-address

Ihr Kurt Tiroch,


The summary of the pre-lockdown event month of November.

It took the board of the ABS a lot of work to prepare numerous high-quality events in November, covering all necessary Covid19 prevention measures to ensure that each ABS event was executed on a maximum safety level. Hence, everything went smoothly, and not one problem occurred. Here is the overview of what we provided to you, our distinguished members, before the government decided to lock us down again:

ABS-NL 2021-11 - jungmann
  • Was hat Cashmere mit der Distel zu tun? Das war der Titel des interessanten Events am 3. November beim Wiener Traditionsunternehmen Jungmann & Neffen mit Top-Know-how über englische Stoffe. HIER GEHT'S ZUM NACHBERICHT.
ABS-NL 2021-12 - event scotland
  • Sir Gregor MacGregor - Schottlands größter Betrüger: Zur Eröffnung des House of Scotland am 12. November 2021 lud Peter Bieler die ABS zum Get-together inklusive des interessanten Vortrags über Sir Gregor MacGregor. HIER GEHT'S ZUM NACHBERICHT..
ABS-NL 2021-12 - event cybercrime
  • Cybercrime, die neue Pandemie - Ist die Bekämpfung chancenlos? Dr. Bernd Pichlmayer, Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für Cybersicherheit im Bundeskanzleramt, referierte über dieses hochspannende Thema. HIER GEHT'S ZUM NACHBERICHT .

Every event the ABS organised is carefully documented, with a summary of the event content and numerous pictures. Find here all ABS Event reports by clicking this link:


ABS-NL 2021-09 tiroch-buch
Eine Geschenk-Empfehlung für Weihnachten mit wertvollen Informationen für alle, die Führungsaufgaben wahrnehmen!

"Führen mit Macht - Die Power der reifen Generation" - so lautet der Titel des bereits zweiten Buches, das ABS-Präsident Dr. Tiroch veröffentlicht hat und Leadership-Tipps anhand der Erfahrungen der ABS untermauert. Ein ideales Weihnachtsgeschenk für alle, die Führungsverantwortung in Unternehmen und Organisationen übernehmen!

  • Kurt Tiroch: "Führen mit Macht - Die Power der reifen Generation" - Hardcover - Format 23x16,5 cm - 208 Seiten - ISBN 978-3-9502581-9-6 - Preis: Euro 25,-
  • Abholung bei der Austro-British Society, c/o Café Ministerium, Georg-Coch-Platz 4, 1010 Wien nach Terminvereinbarung (lockdown-bedingt). Größere Mengen werden auch gerne zugestellt!


ABS-NL 2021-12 - 25events
June to November 2021: incredible but true - 25 ABS Events - a unique achievement amongst bilateral societies!

Demanding circumstances are forcing dedication as the driver to make things possible. It is this quality of the President and of all ABS Boardmembers, which enabled our honourable society to achieve something outstanding:

  • Embedded between two lockdowns this year, the ABS provided you as our member with 25 outstanding events in just a few months, from June to the end of November 2021, allowing us to organise events.
  • In other words: 4 events per month - on average, each week, one ABS event!
  • In total, this adds up to the incredible number of 330 ABS Events since the ABS was reorganised in September 2010 - all of them self-organised, self-financed together with our sponsors and ABS Corporate members. All of them are documented with text reviews and many photographs.
Hence, we can clearly state that you are a part of the most outstanding bilateral organisation in Austria as this achievement makes us unique - not to talk about the exciting Policy Papers documenting various issues related to Brexit, numerous blog articles published, and an almost uncountable number of Facebook- and Instagram postings and stories produced by our social media team and the production of the monthly published ABS News as the one you are reading right now - and all documented on the new ABS-Webpage!

Why all that? Because we are all fully dedicated - to the mission of the ABS to contribute to a better bilateral understanding and you, as our appreciated members!

Jochen Ressel


ABS-NL 2O21-11 - bankaccount

The board of the ABS decided to change its bank and kindly asks you herewith to use the new bank account from now on. Please update the new bank details in your files! Many thanks!

Here are the details:

  • Account name: Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
  • Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG
  • IBAN: AT422011184479592100


ABS-NL 2021-12 - lastpage


Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
Austro-British Society (ABS)
Georg-Coch-Platz 4, 1010 Wien


Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Jochen Ressel
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