OPPORTUNITY OR THREAT FOR DEMOCRATIC PROCESSES? BY JOCHEN RESSEL When the picture above appeared, some might have thought: It comes four years too late – but better now than never. The delete button has not even been fully released when a discussion was initialised, including some serious questions: Is it right for a ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2021-02-01T17:21:58+01:0001.02.2021|ABS Blog|Kommentare deaktiviert für SOCIAL MEDIA OLIGARCHY


MEDIA COMPETENCE AND WHY PILATUS' QUESTION IS HIGHLY RELEVANT TODAY BY JOCHEN RESSEL He is accused and questioned by the executive representative of the Roman Empire, Pontius Pilatus: “What have you done?” It’s Jesus from Nazareth giving his answer, bringing up his role as the guardian of truth, to which Pilatus replies ironically, ... Weiterlesen >

Von |2021-02-01T17:46:01+01:0001.02.2021|ABS Blog|Kommentare deaktiviert für WHAT IS TRUTH?
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