March 2022
ABS-NL 2022-03 - header


  • Editorial
  • Presidential Message - Members get members
  • ABS Corporate members
  • ABS Event Reports February 2022
  • ABS Events quickly booked out
  • Lately it happened at the ABS: Majesty Duck
  • Reminder: New ABS bank account
  • The Last Page


ABS-NL 2022-02 - ressel
Dear Members and Friends of the ABS!

And here we are... shocked and stunned how quickly we are confronted with war in front of our doors - but on the other hand, we have to confess that it should not really surprise us. What is happening is an incredible tragedy, and we all detest the behaviour that led to these events. Although it is out of the question who the aggressor is in the current crisis, it must be admitted that the behaviour of the West hasn't contributed to addressing the situation properly and solution-orientated through the last decades. War is always the result of failed politics and diplomacy. Hence, our world is far too complex that easy and quick answers tell the full truth.

We all should follow the developments carefully to evaluate and to understand the context of the next events - the behaviour of the US and the traditionally strongly linked United Kingdom, as well that of other European countries - especially concerning already publicly announced plans for the enforced militarisation of the West with huge funds.

As traditional media are only one source of information, the role and reliability are regularly questioned, the Austro-British Society provides high-quality background information with superior experts. Yes, we provide lifestyle and fun events - but not only. You can use the ABS also as a source of knowledge. We are proud that we have the network to be in this position - for you as our distinguished members! Find more information on a special lecture covering the tragedy in Ukraine below.

God bless all people affected by the current war, and let us hope for developments towards peace and understanding!

Yours Jochen Ressel,
ABS Secretary-General & ABS News Editor-in-Chief


ABS-NL 2021-04 - tiroch
Members get members: Die ABS gemeinsam wachsen lassen

So bedrückend die politische Situation sein mag, es gibt auch kleine Anlässe sich zu freuen. Da wir uns von ganzem Herzen und aufrichtig bemühen, ein hochqualitatives Programm zu bieten ist es schön, wenn wir neue Mitglieder begrüßen dürfen. In den letzten Wochen haben wir acht neue Einzelmitglieder und drei neue Corporate-Members begrüßen dürfen. Wodurch wurde das möglich?

Weil sich einige Mitglieder aktiv bemühen, die ABS stärker und größer zu machen und Bekannte und Freunde angesprochen haben, um sie als neue Mitglieder zu gewinnen. Dafür ein herzliches DANKE!

Noch handelt es sich nur um eine kleine Gruppe von Mitgliedern, die hier sehr aktiv sind - aber wir haben über 400 Mitglieder - und ich werde nicht müde zu betonen, dass es allesamt Mitglieder sind, die pünktlich ihrer Verpflichtung nachkommen, den Mitgliedsbeitrag zu begleichen! Wir sind keine Gesellschaft sogenannter "Kartei-Leichen" - es geht uns um aufrichtiges Interesse und "dedication".

Es wäre mir daher eine großes Anliegen, wenn wir aus der Handvoll Mitglieder, die uns aktiv beim Wachstum helfen, zwei Handvoll, drei, vier oder noch mehr werden. So würden wir unsere Mitgliederzahl deutlich erhöhen können - d.h. eine noch bereitere Basis für noch hochkarätigere Events schaffen!

Wollen Sie zu der Gruppe gehören, die Ihren Freunden und Bekannten die Gelegenheit einräumen wollen, an unseren großteils beeindruckenden Veranstaltungen teilzunehmen, um die ABS kennenzulernen? Kommen Sie auf mich zu! Wir unterstützen Sie gerne dabei, wenn Sie uns helfen wollen, als Austro-British Society noch größer und bedeutender zu werden!

Ihr Prof. KR Dr. Kurt Tiroch
ABS Präsident


ABS-NL 2022-03 - corporate members
Good news: The number of ABS Corporate members is growing again!

The Covid19 crisis with numerous lockdowns and the restriction to organise events hit the ABS as well. Understandably, there were also companies amongst our Corporate members that were heavily affected by the economic impact, making them leave our community.

Therefore, we are proud and happy to report that now, as our social life started again - although some restrictions still apply - the number of Corporate members is growing again! Find here the actual complete list and see how strong the Austro-British Society is as a business network!


Fun and happiness but profound know-how as well!

Enjoy the reviews! The February events provided by the ABS were exemplary of how we plan our programme. It was a mix of lifestyle, fun events, and top behind-the-scenes information about serious issues.
  • February 6th, 2022: HM The Queen's Platinum Crown Jubilee - Click the picture below to visit the full event report.
ABS-NL 2022-03 - event-queen
  • February 15th, 2022: "Blackout" lecture - Expert Herbert Saurugg - Click the picture below to visit the full event report.
ABS-NL 2022-03 - event blackout
  • February 23rd, 2022: "International Terrorism" lecture - Expert Dr. Nicolas Stockhammer - Click the picture below to visit the full event report.
ABS 2022-03 - event-terror2
  • February 25th, 2022: "Lady's Day" - Vienna Theatre Project - Click the picture below to visit the full event report.
ABS-NL 2022-03 - event-theatre


ABS-NL 2022-03 - calm
Therefore, register as soon as you can!

As many events organised by the Austro-British Society are exciting and exclusive, most are booked out in just a few hours. Hence, we highly recommend registering as soon as possible after receiving the email invite!

The invitation for our first event in March has already been delivered to your email inboxes. We promise that also the forthcoming events in March and April are very attractive. We are looking forward to welcoming you to the next occasion, which is the following:

  • "Die sicherheitspolitischen Herausforderungen für Österreich angesichts der dramatischen Krise im Osten"
    • mit Dr. Arnold Kammel, Chef der Direktion für Verteidigungspolitik und internationale Beziehungen im Bundesministerium für Landesverteidigung und Kabinettschef der Bundesministerin für Landesverteidigung
    • Donnerstag, 17. März 2022 um 18:00 Uhr im Musiksalon der Diplomatischen Akademie Wien
Check your email inbox now for the invitation, including the link to register!


ABS-NL 2022-03 - duck2
When Majesty Duck became famous

Having Austria's broadcaster as a guest is firstly always a pleasure, but secondly always adds excitement to any event, even if we are pretty used to a television appearance. The main concern is providing them with attractive scenes and subjects for their cameras.

Honestly, this wasn't so much the concern when organising the Platinum Crown Jubilee of Her Majesty The Queen. The dress code guaranteed nicely dressed guests in the exclusive environment of Vienna's Hotel Bristol.

But when I came across Majesty Duck in a relatively small Viennese shop the day before, I immediately fell in love and invited it to the exclusive event. Unexpectedly, Majesty Duck developed to be the most eligible and photographed event guest. It became really famous when it was taken for an exclusive shooting and appeared in Austria's most famous TV-society magazine "Seitenblicke".

What do we learn from this? Being with the ABS makes you famous! Period!

by Jochen Ressel


As already brought to your attention:

  • Account name: Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
  • Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG
  • IBAN: AT422011184479592100


ABS-NL 2022-03 - lastpage

Copyright Perscheid


Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
Austro-British Society (ABS)
Georg-Coch-Platz 4, 1010 Wien


Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Jochen Ressel
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