September 2022
ABS-NL 2022-09 - header


  • Editorial
  • Presidential Message - Old Course St. Andrews
  • ABS Events September 2022
  • Prince George Cuvée 2022 available now
  • Lately it happened at the ABS
  • Reminder: New ABS bank account
  • The Last Page


ABS-NL 2022-08 - resse
Dear Members and Friends of the ABS!

What a relief! The ABS is back again! The sad and senseless period of the almost neverending four weeks of no ABS event is over! Honestly, we did this on purpose to let you feel how much you miss the ABS, and we hope you managed well to overcome the grief.

Joking aside and seriously: We hope you all have had a wonderful vacation season and found time to rest and recover. And indeed, we are all delighted that we will see you all very shortly again!

Enjoy this edition of the ABS News.

Yours Jochen Ressel,
ABS Secretary-General & ABS News Editor-in-Chief


ABS-NL 2021-12 - tiroch
The Old Course St.Andrews is calling!

Diesmal habe ich eine besondere Ankündigung für aktive Golfspieler unserer ehrenwerten Gesellschaft. Das, was für Tennisfans Wimbledon ist, ist für GolferInnen der Old Course St.Andrews - schlichtweg das Mekka für GolfspielerInnen weltweit.

Seit Jahren bin ich auf der Suche nach einem möglichen und vor allem finanzierbaren Besuch mit der ABS in St.Andrews. Jetzt hat mich endlich ein passendes Angebot und eigentlich ein Schnäppchen für 2 bis 8 Spieler in 2023 um 600 Pfund erreicht. Alle Details sind beiliegendem Link zu entnehmen.

Im Juni oder Juli 2023 sollte es stattfinden und sobald wir eine Zusage von Abschlagszeiten im Oktober bekommen, werden wir um die Spieltermine ein entsprechendes Schottland Programm gestalten. Ich selbst werde jedenfalls dabei sein.

Da aber bereits jetzt bis spätestens 7. September die Anmeldungen erfolgen müssen, bitte ich alle Interessenten sich bei mir per eMail zu melden (durch Klick auf untenstehenden Button) und das ernsthafte Interesse zu bekunden. Ich werde die Anmeldungen noch am 7. September sofort weiterleiten.

Mit großer Vorfreude wünsche ich schon jetzt "Schönes Spiel" !

Prof KR Dr Kurt Tiroch
ABS Präsident
ABS-NL 2022-09 - standrews


Register now! Three invitations are already out!

Our President, supported by various ABS board members, had a busy summer organizing what our honourable society can provide you this September and beyond. Therefore, register now, before it is too late and the events are booked out! Several invitations have already been sent out and you find them in your email inbox.

ABS-NL 2022-09 - felbermayer
September 6th, 2022 - 7pm
  • Lecture: "Österreich in einer wirtschaftlich prekären Lage – wie kommen wir da heraus?"
  • Univ. Prof. MMag. Gabriel Felbermayr PhD (Direktor des Öst. Institutes für Wirtschaftsforschung)
  • Musiksalon der Diplomatischen Akademie
ABS-NL 2022-09 - dolezal
September 14th, 2022 - 7pm
  • ABS-Birthday Party - 12th anniversary
  • Special guest: Starfilmer und 2-facher Grammy-Gewinner Rudi Dolezal
  • British Embassy
ABS-NL 2022-09 - huber
September 20th, 2022 - 7pm
  • Lecture: "Die vier Quellen der Jugend –
    Holistisches Anti-Aging"
  • mit Prof. DDr. Johannes Huber
  • Cafe Ministerium


ABS-NL 2022-09 - cuvee
On the way to the Royal Highnesses and ready to order for you now!

As you may have already noticed on our social media channels, the bottles of the Prince George Cuvée created by more than 100 ABS members were handed over to the Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the United Kingdom in London to be forwarded to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as well as to the Prince of Wales.

Thanks to all of you, who actively contributed to the creation of the cuvée and our ABS winemaker Willy Opitz. This special cuvée is also available to you from now on. Just click the link below. Cheers and "To the Prince"!


ABS-NL 2022-09 - latelyithappened
When the joy of life erupts

The view over the city of Vienna is extraordinary, the sun shone from the sky and flooded the Skylounge - which is in itself very much university style and as such somewhat unadorned - especially when empty.

And then they arrive, the members of the ABS - all colourfully styled, elegant, chic and filling the room and the roof terrace with their joy of life, which everyone radiates individually. And the more guests came, the denser this perceptibly positive energy became. It thickens until it overflows and at the end, old and young dance to the rousing music provided by Carl Avory and the unadorned, empty room has suddenly become a volcano of the joy of life with powerful energy that continues to have an effect for days and strengthens and sustains us in everyday life.

That's what makes the ABS - that's why everyone is part of this association - because we love life and celebrate it without being ashamed to do so - because we all have worries and problems that we have to struggle to overcome. But we draw the strength for this from precisely such evenings, full of the joy of life!


As already brought to your attention:

  • Account name: Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
  • Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG
  • IBAN: AT422011184479592100


The reason why the new PM needs to improve the NHS

ABS-NL 2022-09 - lastpage


Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
Austro-British Society (ABS)
Georg-Coch-Platz 4, 1010 Wien


Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Jochen Ressel
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