June 2022
ABS-NL 2022-06 - header


  • Editorial
  • Presidential Message - Bericht der ABS-Arbeitsgruppen
  • Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee
  • ABS Events organised in May 2022
  • Future ABS Events: June 2022
  • It's Tea Time!
  • Reminder: New ABS bank account
  • The Last Page


ABS-NL 2022-04 - ressel
Dear Members and Friends of the ABS!

Seventy years - not of age, but in duty!!! What an incredible lifespan Her Majesty serves her country and its citizens! She is often called a "guarantor of stability", a rock in our days' turbulent and challenging times. What accounts for this impression?

One determining factor is certainly her unagitated calmness. We can learn a lot from that. It is not a matter of always and immediately giving one's opinion loudly on every development and every event. Nor is it about following every trend that is currently popular. It is about "class", which is created through calm, well-considered statements and, last but not least, through meaningful, often symbolic gestures.

Is Queen Elisabeth II perfect? No, certainly not, and there are for sure aspects of her behaviour that could be criticised - but in these 70 years of her reign, she has only very rarely been a victim of misjudgements - from which, however, she was willing to learn and sometimes change her course.

Therefore, Her Majesty, thank you for your example, from which we may learn for our personal conduct of life! Happy Platinum Jubilee!

Yours Jochen Ressel,
ABS Secretary-General & ABS News Editor-in-Chief


ABS-NL 2021-04 - tiroch
Tätigkeitsbericht der ABS-Arbeitsgruppen

Versprochen ist versprochen: Ich habe angekündigt, dass wir Sie als unsere geschätzten Mitglieder am Laufenden halten, was den Fortschritt der kürzlich etablierten ABS-Arbeitsgruppen betrifft. Und eines vorab: Es hat sich bereits viel getan!

  • Die Gründung einer ABS Jugendorganisation nimmt konkrete Formen an. Es gibt ein Strategie- und Umsetzungs-Vorschlagspapier, das nach einer ersten Evaluierung nun weiterentwickelt wird, damit es in einer der nächsten Vorstandssitzungen im Gremium diskutiert werden kann. Interessanterweise wurden dabei auch tolle Synergieeffekte für bestehende, aber auch für potenzielle neue ABS-Corporate Members herausgearbeitet. Sobald das Konzept im Vorstand diskutiert wurde und konkrete Entscheidungen getroffen sind, informieren wir Sie!
  • Nach einer Arbeitsgruppen-internen Diskussion und Evaluierung über den Aufbau einer "Commerce & Trade Section" innerhalb der ABS wurde analysiert, dass die Angebote für die Förderung der bilateralen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen UK und Österreich sehr vielfältig sind - von den Leistungen der Botschaft des Vereinigten Königreiches hier in Wien, über die Unterstützung der österreichischen Botschaft in London, bis hin zu den Außenwirtschafts-Verantwortlichen im Rahmen der Wirtschaftskammer. Daher wurde entschieden, diesen Gedanken im Rahmen der ABS nicht weiter zu verfolgen.

Die Arbeitsgruppen zu den verschiedenen Themenbereichen treffen sich in den nächsten Wochen wieder und ich bin auf die Ergebnisse mindestens genauso gespannt wie Sie!

Ihr Prof. KR Dr. Kurt Tiroch
ABS Präsident


ABS-NL 2022-06 - queen
The British world is in celebration mode.

The entire United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and all anglophile people worldwide are in celebration mode these days as all are admiring Her Majesty's incredible achievement of 70 years on the throne!

On this particular occasion, the traditional "Trooping the Colour", which is held every year on her birthday, is outstanding this year as well and is held in a row of national-wide celebration days. Follow the link to the Austrian broadcast of this year's "Trooping the Colour" by clicking here:
ABS-NL 2022-06 - trooping
Additionally, we provide you herewith some of the best picts which were captured during the celebrations: (Click picts to enlarge)
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Four events - diverse, high-quality information and unique once-in-a-lifetime experiences

Sometimes we may think: Ok, after this range of events already organised through the last 11 years, it must come to an end of ideas, and it can't get better and better all the time. But we proof: We can always top the previous events! And so it was in May again. Here is the review:

ABS-NL 2022-06 - event1
Event 1: Exclusive tour with the Director of the Austrian Military Museum
  • May 3rd, 2022
  • with Director Dr. Mario Christian Ortner
  • Event report and photos: CLICK HERE
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Event 2: Supply Chain Disruptions in Turbulent Times
  • May 13th, 2022
  • with Univ. Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kummer
  • Event report and photos: CLICK HERE
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Event 3: London visit: Houses of Parliament and much more...
  • May 22nd - 24th, 2022
  • A full 3 day highly exclusive program
  • Event report and photos: CLICK HERE
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Event 4: British Street Party to celebrate Her Majesty's Jubilee
  • May 28th, 2022
  • In cooperation with Christ Church
  • Event report and photos: CLICK HERE


ABS-NL 2022-06 - polo
We continue to be exclusive in June 2022

Although the challenge becomes more demanding and more complex, we keep on pushing to provide another range of top events in June! Here is an overview:
  • On June 1st, 2022, a fascinating lecture on the current Ukraine situation took place, welcoming Alfred F. Praus, President of the Ukrainian-Austrian Association.
  • On June 2nd, 2022, members of the ABS got the chance to be guests at the Barbara Karlich Show, dedicated to the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elisabeth II.
  • On June 12th, 2022, the traditional ABS Polo Picnic will take place in the park of Schloss Ebreichsdorf.
And it's more to come. Please check your email inbox continuously. Otherwise, you may miss great opportunities to participate in the outstanding activities of our honourable society! Therefore, stay tuned!


The great British Afternoon Tea

The sun is out, the days are longer and what is a better way to enjoy the day than an afternoon tea in the garden, in a park, a sunny meadow, or, maybe you need some ideas of what to bring to this year’s ABS Polo picnic? Look no further. Of course, the ABS has everything you need to make it a thoroughly British experience. AND for those on a time budget, it’s easy to throw together (almost).

Yours Joanna Godwin-Seidl
ABS-NL 2022-06 - afternoon tea
The great British Afternoon Tea

  • Scones
  • Cucumber and Salmon Sandwiches
  • Sausage Roll Cheat
  • Jubilee Cake
  • Pimms and lemonade


As already brought to your attention:

  • Account name: Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
  • Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG
  • IBAN: AT422011184479592100


ABS-NL 2022-06 - lastpage
Click cartoon to enlarge


Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
Austro-British Society (ABS)
Georg-Coch-Platz 4, 1010 Wien


Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Jochen Ressel
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