October 2021
ABS-NL 2021-10 - Header


  • Editorial
  • The amazing ABS Event September
  • A very suitable Xmas present
  • Farewell Message - H.E. Ambassador Leigh Turner
  • Travel Tip: Imperial Adriatic Days
  • Kriminalnacht im Zuhause der ABS
  • The Last Page


ABS-NL 2021-10 - JoRessel
Dear Members and Friends of the ABS!

Some of you already anticipated the nightmare in the UK these days - others are not quite sure if all the problems the people have to face are due to Brexit only or if these are not the result of numerous structural shortfalls that accumulated over many years. Whichever, our thoughts are with the British people. We all hope that some normality will return as soon as possible - as if Covid19 had not been enough to cope with.

The events in the UK should raise our awareness that not everything we enjoy is standard and at our disposal anytime. Things can change from one day to another - a good reason to show appreciation for the life we are allowed to live.

Our honourable society constantly strives to provide you with fun, happiness, and unforgettable experiences to enrich your life and enhance your joy of life. To achieve this, we are offering a variety of events with maximal diversity - our extensive program should satisfy every taste and need of you, our appreciated members. The ABS News are published for the same reason: enriching your life by providing exciting and relevant information.

Whilst reminding ourselves that nothing is a matter of course, we constantly continue to improve our offering for you and wishing you joy when reading this edition of the ABS News.

Yours Jochen Ressel,


ABS-NL 2021-10 - event1
ABS-NL 2021-10 - event2
ABS-NL 2021-10 - event3
ABS-NL 2021-10 - event4
ABS-NL 2021-10 - event5
What the ABS offered during the last month is outstanding.

It was more than just another month in the event history of the ABS - this was an extraordinary one. We undisputedly reached a new quality and intensity level as all four events in these four weeks were outstanding:

  • The Bi-annual General Meeting of our society with the newly appointed Board of Directors included a Farewell-ceremony for our Honorary President H.E. Ambassador Leigh Turner, who gave a heart-touching lecture as he retired from his long diplomatic career. He gave us insights into his view on which impact good diplomacy can have - based on his experiences in so many places worldwide.
  • The Last Night of the Proms' visit in London includes visits to Kensington Palace, the Austrian Embassy, and the Ham Polo Club Tournament. This falls in the category of "can't buy" experiences as all this is only possible because of the incredible ABS network.
  • The trip with the amazing Majestic Imperator Luxury Train from Vienna, crossing the Semmering to Mürzzuschlag, visiting the Südbahn-Museum there and having entertainment and enjoying high-class meals and drinks on board.
  • The lecture of the President of Vienna's Police on the security situation in our capital city, covering numerous aspects, gave us first-hand information from behind the scenes.
And not only that, we plan, organise and execute all these events. We are also documenting them in writing and visually. Hence everybody can get impressions, even if you had no opportunity to participate. Click the link below to get detailed information about the before-mentioned September Events. Enjoy reading and browsing through the photos.


ABS-NL 2021-10 - Xmas
ABS-NL 2021-09 tiroch-buch
Das Buch von ABS-Präsident "Führen mit Macht - Die Power der reifen Generation" als perfektes Weihnachtsgeschenk!

Das perfekte Geschenk für alle - ob jung oder in reiferem Alter - die einerseits an gesamtgesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen interessiert sind und andererseits ihr persönliches Führungsverhalten verbessern wollen.

"Führen mit Macht - Die Power der reifen Generation" bietet auf 208 Seiten vielfältige und spannende Informationen. Hier einige Kernaussagen:
  • Weg mit dem Jugendkult
  • Weg mit Ausgrenzung von Menschen im reiferen Alter
  • Weg mit Schongang, weil auch reife ihre Leistungen erbringen müssen
  • Weg mit dem Lernstopp weil lebenslanges Lernen unumgänglich ist.
  • Weg mit dem geistigen Altern
Jetzt erhältlich: Dieser interessante und umfassende Führungsratgeber ist ab sofort über die Austro-British Society erhältlich!

  • Kurt Tiroch: "Führen mit Macht - Die Power der reifen Generation" - Hardcover - Format 23x16,5 cm - 208 Seiten - ISBN 978-3-9502581-9-6 - Preis: Euro 25,-
  • oder Abholung bei der Austro-British Society, c/o Café Ministerium, Georg-Coch-Platz 4, 1010 Wien


ABS-NL 2021-10 - LeighTurner
Our Honorary President H.E. Ambassador Leigh Turner retires from this outstanding diplomatic career.

Our General Assembly on 9 September in the British Residence provided an excellent opportunity to say Good-bye to our host, the British Ambassador Lee Turner. Ambassador Lee Turner assumed his post in Vienna five years ago and thus stayed much longer than the British Foreign Service usually foresees. This to the delight of his many friends in Vienna and especially to the board of the Austro-British Society.

A close and trustful relationship between Her Majesty's Ambassador and the ABS is of utmost importance. Leigh Turner was over-generous in providing hospitality to us in his beautiful residence, which was always a special treat for our members.

Unfortunately, his job in Vienna was overshadowed by Brexit, resulting in sometimes turbulent and controversial times for the Ambassador. He dealt with it masterfully and brilliantly, appearing on Austrian TV many times. His impeccable knowledge of the German language helped tremendously and the public perception of his work - regardless of widespread deep regret for the UK leaving the EU - was always favourable.

There was also another side to Leigh Turner. Under the pen-name Robert Pimm, he published several short stories, and we had the good fortune to listen to some of them at an ABS event. We regard it as a compliment for Austria and especially for Vienna that Leigh has decided to spend his retirement years in Vienna, writing and hopefully enjoying our city from high above (18th floor).

We wish him well. We will miss him and are greatly indebted to him for five wonderful years.

by former Ambassador Dr Alexander Christiani


ABS-NL 2021-10 - travel
Imperial Adriatic Days in Opatija - 28.05 to 01.06.2022

On behalf of our Corporate Member Weiss Touristik, we would like to inform you about something special: Travel as once the refined society of the Fin de Siècle to the former fashionable seaside resort of the Danube monarchy on the Istrian peninsula, to Opatija (Abbazia). Enjoy a varied train ride along the legendary Southern Railway line with UNESCO World Heritage Semmering Railway and spend early summer days in the noble Heritage Hotel Imperial ****, the original Hotel Stephanie, named after the Austrian Crown Princess. A unique travel experience in the flair of the k&k monarchy awaits you.

Find all booking details by CLICKING THIS LINK.


ABS-NL 2021-10 - kriminalnacht
Im Cafe Minsterium - das auch offizieller Sitz der ABS ist - findet am 12. Oktober 2021 die "Kriminalnacht" statt.

Wien 1966: Ein ehemaliger Besatzungssoldat wird ermordet aufgefunden. Die US-Botschaft will ihn nicht kennen. Wurde er wegen seiner Hautfarbe umgebracht? Oder haben die geheimnisvollen Treffen in einem Hotel etwas mit seinem Tod zu tun? Auf der Suche nach Hinweisen begegnet Chefinspektor Wilhelm Fodor ehemaligen Kämpfern im Spanischen Bürgerkrieg, deutschen Nazis, Südtirol-Aktivisten und liebenden Frauen. Die entscheidende Frage aber ist: Verfolgt ihn der schwarze Mercedes tatsächlich, oder leidet er unter Paranoia?

Es liest Sabina Naber, dienach ihrem Studium in Wien u.a. als Regisseurin, Journalistin und Drehbuchautorin tätig war. 2002 startete sie ihre schriftstellerische Laufbahn, mittlerweile sind etliche Romane und unzählige Kurzgeschichten erschienen (Friedrich-Glauser-Preis 2007 und Nominierung für den Leo-Perutz-Preis 2013).

  • "Kriminalnacht" im Cafe Ministerium, Georg-Coch-Platz 4, 1010 Wien
  • 12. Oktober 2021 - Lesebeginn: 19.00 Uhr
Weitere Informationen durch KLICK AUF DIESEN LINK.


ABS-NL 2021-10 - LastPage


Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
Austro-British Society (ABS)
Georg-Coch-Platz 4, 1010 Wien


Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Jochen Ressel
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