February 2022
ABS-NL 2022-02 - header


  • Editorial
  • Presidential Message - Event-Begleitpersonen
  • ABS Event Reports January 2022
  • ABS Events in the pipeline
  • May we introduce... The group of ABS Blog authors
  • For Football Fans
  • Reminder: New ABS bank account
  • The Last Page


ABS-NL 2022-02 - ressel
Dear Members and Friends of the ABS!

The year 2022 has barely begun, and it is already giving us pause for thought. The news from Ukraine, Bosnia and many other parts of the world make us realise how fragile peace and international understanding are - and that basically in Austria's immediate vicinity, Ukraine being as far away from Vienna as Vorarlberg.

The discussions about parties in the garden of 10 Downing Street may seem almost ridiculous because of these threats that determine the future of millions of people. Still, they are not because they reveal a moral picture that permanently damages trust in democracy and strengthens forces that work against peaceful coexistence.

All the more we as the Austro-British Society see it as our duty to promote bilateral dialogue and mutual understanding, which we do on the one hand through a large number of events, but also through knowledge work, which is made available to you as members of the ABS in the form of publications. We hope that our efforts will make the world a better place - even if our contribution can only be a small one! Thank you for supporting us as a member on this path!

Yours Jochen Ressel,
ABS Secretary-General & ABS News Editor-in-Chief


ABS-NL 2021-08 - tiroch
Über die Möglichkeit, Begleitungen zu ABS-Events mitzubringen

Bestimmt freuen wir uns alle, dass wir nun wieder die Gelegenheit haben, einander bei Events zu begegnen, Wissen und Meinungen auszutauschen und einander Freude zu schenken. Für uns ist jedes Event ein Unikat, gilt es doch, eine Vielzahl von Anforderungen "unter einen Hut zu bringen" - von Anforderungen der Locations und der SpeakerInnen, über die Dimensionierung des finanziellen Aufwands, bis hin zu den sich laufend ändernden Covid19-Bestimmungen. All das tun wir gerne - für Sie als Member der ABS. Ja, wir gehen sogar darüber hinaus und geben Ihnen immer wieder bei verschiedenen Veranstaltungen die Möglichkeit, auch Gäste mitzubringen. Warum tun wir als ABS das?

Weil wir Ihnen die Gelegenheit geben wollen, die ABS den Menschen näherzubringen, die in Ihrem Umfeld an unseren Themen Interesse haben und um diese Persönlichkeiten schlussendlich selbst als Member der ABS willkommen heißen zu dürfen.

Was ich damit sagen will: Wir freuen uns, wenn Sie die Personen, die mehrmals Ihre Begleitung bei ABS Events sind, ermutigen, selbst Mitglied in unserer ehrenwerten Gesellschaft zu werden. Unsere Vorstandsmitglieder - meist an den Namensschildern bei Events erkennbar - stehen Ihnen gerne mit Rat und Tat zur Seite, wenn Sie für Ihre Begleitpersonen mehr Informationen über das Aufnahme-Prozedere benötigen. Herzlichen Dank für Ihre Mithilfe, damit wir als Gesellschaft weiter wachsen!

Apropos Begleitpersonen in Covid-Zeiten: Wir benötigen bei der Anmeldung der Begleitperson unbedingt den Namen, um den Einlass inkl. der notwendigen Covid19-Präventions-Checks ohne Verzögerungen schnell zu bewerkstelligen. Wir bitten Sie aufrichtig, dies bei der Anmeldung zu beachten. Vielen Dank im Voraus!

Ihr Prof. KR Dr. Kurt Tiroch
ABS Präsident


What a start with highly interesting ABS Events!

We behaved like a Formula 1 driver: As soon as the green light appeared, we went full throttle! Hence, we made already planned events happen in reality. See here, what we achieved, if you shouldn't have had the opportunity to follow all of them:
ABS-NL 2022-02 - event6
"Baloon debate" held on Jan 28th, in the Cafe Minsterium. Visit the event report by clicking here.
ABS-NL 2022-02 - event1
"Coffeehouse Quiz" held on Jan 21st, in the Cafe Ministerium. Visit the event report by clicking here!
ABS-NL 2022-02 - event2
"ABS New Year's reception" held on Jan 13th, in the Hotel Bristol Vienna (Corporate Members only). Visit the event report by clicking here!
ABS-NL 2022-02 - event3
"Silvester recepton" held on Dec 31st, in the Cafe Minsterium. Visit the event report by clicking here!



ABS-NL 2022-02 - invitation
In the planning and preparation

  • 06.2. Her Majesty 70 years Crown Jubilee (booked out), Hotel Bristol
  • 15.2. Lecture "Austrian Blackout prevention strategies" - Herbert Saurugg - in der Diplom. Akademie
  • 23.2. Lecture "Terrorismus-Bekämpfung" - Dr. Nicolas Stockhammer - in der Diplom. Akademie
  • 25.2. Vienna Theatre Project "Lady Day" - im Theater Drachengasse
Please check your email inbox regularly as you receive ABS invitations and the registration links only via this channel.

Just to mention: Many events are booked out in just a few hours. Hence, register as soon as you can! Many thanks!


ABS-NL 2022-02 - blogs
The group of authors of the amazing ABS Blogs

At the end of 2020, the ABS Boardmembers decided to offer a new additional service to you as ABS members: the ABS Blog. Short and informative blog articles on current topics were to be published regularly, at 14-day intervals, thus providing knowledge gain on the one hand and opportunities for discussion on the other.

And then Covid came along - and the ABS Blogs proved to be one of the central member service tools in lockdown times - without the possibility of organising events. The density was increased, and new articles appeared weekly - one more interesting than the other. In 2020, 21 blog articles were published, and in 2021 even 38 (!!).

But who is behind all that? Who are the people who contribute their experience and knowledge and spend the time to write this large number of blog articles? Today we bring them before the curtain.

At the same time, we would like to invite you to become part of the ABS blog author team. Interested? Then write to us at blog@oebrg.at. We look forward to reading from you!
(In alphabethical order)
Former Ambassador Dr Alexander Christiani is the Vice-President of the Austro-British Society and leads the ABS Expert Group, releasing high-quality Policy Papers with first-hand background information on current political developments. His professional career led him to the hotspots of political developments all over the world (e.g. to the Middle East, South Africa, New York and many others), where he contributed reasonably to Austria’s excellent diplomatic reputation in the world
Wolfgang Geissler is the Treasurer of the Austro-British Society and a Committee Member of the United Kingdom Citizens in Europe. He has lived and worked for 40 years in the United Kingdom.
Joanna Godwin-Seidl is a Board Member of the Austro-British Society. She has lived in Austria for over 20 years. She used to work in international sales, and in 2004 decided to devote her life to theatre and film. She is now a professional director, actress and voiceover artist and runs her critically acclaimed "Vienna Theatre Project".
Former Ambassador Colin A. Munro is a Board Member of the Austro-British Society. He attended the George Watson’s College and Edinburgh University and joined HM Diplomatic Service in 1969. During his career, he held numerous positions in Berlin, Kuala Lumpur, Bucharest, Frankfurt, Zagreb and served as the Private Secretary to the Minister of State responsible for Central and Eastern Europe. His last posting in HM Diplomatic Service was as Ambassador to the OSCE. He chairs the UK Citizens in Austria, and in the ABS, he is also a member of the Expert Council.
Ian Murdoch is a Board Member of the Austro-British Society. He finished his career as a Senior Director of PWC-Price Waterhouse Cooper in Vienna two years ago. He worked for several international companies and corporations in the financial and professional business consulting sector.
Jochen Ressel is the Secretary-General of the Austro-British Society. He worked several years for a UK company and its HQ in London and held various management positions in international companies and economic institutions. Currently, he holds the position as COO of SoccerCoin, a FinTech company active in the field of sports.
Gerhard Seidl: 28 years of cross-functional international management experience in Finance, Procurement and Supply Chain Planning & Logistics roles. During the last 18 years, he contributed to various senior positions, reporting to executive board members to grow Coca-Cola HBG AG into one of the leading European non-alcoholic beverage companies listed on the London Stock Exchange (FTSE 100).
Melanie Sully (Dr Prof.) is a Board Member of the Austro-British Society, editor, writer, and consultant, who was a professor of political science for many years at the Diplomatic Academy, Vienna. She acts as a consultant on good governance projects for the Cultural Department of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs and the OSCE. She gave presentations for the Council of Europe, gave Guest Professorial Lecture for politics at the University of London, and has provided expert evidence to the House of Commons.
Gustav Trubatsch is a Board Member of the Austro-British Society. He made his career in the Oil business and held several top management positions in the Castrol Group, a part of BP today.
Former Ambassador Leigh Turner was Her Majesty’s Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Austria, UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations and other International Organisations in Vienna and has been Honorary President of the Austro-British Society since his assignment started in 2016. He attended Downing College, University of Cambridge, then worked in the Department for Transport and the Department of the Environment, and from 1983 he worked for the Foreign Office in Vienna, Moscow and Berlin, among other places. From 2006 he was Director of Overseas Territories in London, and in 2008 he became Ambassador of the British Embassy in Ukraine. In 2012, he was British Consul General in Istanbul before his move to Austria, where he retired from his diplomatic career in 2021 and decided to stay in Vienna to work as a full-time author.


ABS-NL 2022-02 - soccertravel
Wales vs Österreich in Cardiff und
Manchester United vs Chelsea in Old Trafford

Unser ABS Corporate Member Weiss Touristik/Fanreisen24 ist bekannt für hochqualitative Fussball-Reisen. Für alle Fans in der ABS wollen wir Sie daher auf zwei besondere Fanreisen nach UK aufmerksam machen:

Wales vs Österreich

  • Road to Qatar - Fussball WM Play Off
  • in Cardiff
  • inkl. Genesis Live in der O2 Arena London
  • vom 24. bis 27. März 2022
  • Detailinformationen durch Klick auf diesen Link.

Manchester United vs Chelsea

  • The English Game - das letzte Saisonspiel
  • in Old Trafford
  • vom 13. bis 16. Mai 2022
  • Detailinformationen durch Klick auf diesen Link.


As already brought to your attention:

  • Account name: Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
  • Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG
  • IBAN: AT422011184479592100


ABS-NL 2022-02 - lastpage
Copyright MATT


Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
Austro-British Society (ABS)
Georg-Coch-Platz 4, 1010 Wien


Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Jochen Ressel
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