January 2022
ABS-NL 2022-01 - header


  • Editorial - Happy New Year message
  • Presidential Message - The ABS Pin, part 2
  • ABS Activity Report December 2021
  • ABS Events January & February 2022
  • The ABS Corporate Members
  • Her Majesty's new Ambassador: Lindsey Skoll CMG
  • Reminder: New ABS bank account
  • The Last Page


ABS-NL 2022-01 - ressel
Dear Members and Friends of the ABS!

Welcome to 2022, and from the bottom of our heart, on behalf of the President and all Boardmembers of the Austro-British Society, we wish you a


Eventually, we left 2021 behind us, and although not many of us may lose tears that this year is over, we are all asked to focus on the good things we experienced: Most likely, we had the chance to get in touch with nice people who haven't been part of our life before, connecting each other probably on a higher level of appreciation for each other despite lockdowns and physical contact restrictions.

We do not know what 2022 holds for us, but let us wish each other happiness, serenity, health and the good faith that we have the power to overcome a difficult situation, if privately, mentally or economically.

It is the Austro-British Society's mission to support you in the best way possible to achieve the above, by providing high-level information on various issues of social, political or economic life through all kind of information channels and by organising top events for you to offer you not only information but also relaxation, fun and enjoyment. All the best for the year ahead of us!

Yours Jochen Ressel,
ABS Secretary General & ABS News Editor-in-Chief


ABS-NL 2021-04 - tiroch
The all importance of the ABS Pin - part 2

Zuerst ein großes Dankeschön an die vielen Mitglieder, die mich zum Thema der ABS Pins bei Events aber auch per Mail angesprochen haben. Das zeigt mir das Gefühl der Zusammengehörigkeits, aber auch die Gewissheit, dass unsere ABS News wirklich gelesen werden. Beides schätze ich sehr. Zur Klarstellung noch einige Worte über den Ablauf, um zu einem ABS Pin als Mitglied zu kommen:

  1. Antrag um Mitgliedschaft
  2. Annahme bei der nächstfolgenden monatlichen Vorstandssitzung
  3. Überweisung des Mitgliedsbeitrages
  4. Mehrmalige Teilnahme an ABS Events, damit dem Präsidenten zumindest das Gesicht bekannt ist
  5. Persönliche Anfrage beim Präsidenten bei einer Veranstaltung (wer nicht fragt, bekommt keinen)
  6. Persönliche Überreichung mit Foto zur Dokumentation ("The pin is for once in a lifetime")
Noch zwei Ergänzungen:
  1. Auch die ABS hat nichts zu verschenken. Daher vergeben wir die Pins nur an jene, die diesen auch wertschätzen.
  2. Wir haben bekanntermaßen seit der Neugründung nur zwei Kategorien von Mitgliedern: Einzelmitglieder bekommen einen Pin mit dezentem Silberrand, während Firmenmitglieder jenen mit ebenso dezentem Goldrand bekommen.
Ich freue mich sehr, in Zukunft noch viel mehr Pins bei unseren Gästen bewundern zu können! Ich selbst trage mit Stolz bei jeder ABS Veranstaltung seit 11 Jahren unverändert meinen ersten goldenen Pin - das hat etwas mit Haltbarkeit und Nachhaltigkeit zu tun.

Ihr Prof. KR Dr. Kurt Tiroch
ABS Präsident


It is not all about events but about providing a lot more.

Not entirely unexpected, we were forced into another lockdown in December, which made our event plan obsolete - but what we prepared is not cancelled, but only postponed. You find a list of planned activities below.

But the ABS is not only about events. As you may have seen from the very first lockdown in 2020 already, we have much more to offer and provide various services also in December 2021:
ABS-NL 2022-01 - blog1
"No Sir!", by Ian Murdoch. Click here to read the blog, published on Dec. 3rd, 2021.
ABS-NL 2022-01 - blog2
"How a Pub Visit in Erdberg cost England €3 bn", by Wolfgang Geissler. Click here to read the blog, published on Dec. 8th, 2021.
ABS-NL 2022-01 - blog3
"Balkan Peace?", by Colin A. Munro. Click here to read the blog, published on Dec. 13th, 2021.
ABS-NL 2022-01 - blog4
"How (not) to overcome language barriers", by Alexander Christiani. Click here to read the blog, published on Dec. 20th, 2021.
ABS-NL 2022-01 - blog5
"Language Problems", by Jochen Ressel. Click here to read the blog, published on Dec. 27th, 2021.
ABS-NL 2022-01 - insta1-new
32 postings and numerous stories in December, reaching 4,437 followers and over 5,900 subscribers. Click here to follow us on Insta.
ABS-NL 2022-01 - insta2
Series "Improve your English", giving regularly input on specifics of the English language.
ABS-NL 2022-01 - insta3
Diverse postings, providing something to smile, selected ABS Event pictures, Royal information, memorable quotes and much more.
ABS-NL 2022-01 - fb1
34 postings, reaching more than 2,000 people with various highly interesting information. Click here to follow us on Facebook
ABS-NL 2022-01 - fb2
New series "Improve your Austrian language skills", explaining common Austrian terms and their real meaning in a humorous way.
ABS-NL 2022-01 - fb3
A variety of media links to interesting articles of UK related media content and to selected videos.
ABS-NL 2022-01 - hilfstöne
On December 8th, 2021 the traditional "Hilfstöne" Charity concert organised by Opera star Clemens Unterreiner should take place. Because of the lockdown it had to be cancelled again, but the ABS decided to contribute a donation despite the cancellation. Clemens provided us with this video message to thank the ABS and its members for their generosity. Click here.
Reports of all 25 (!!) ABS Events in 2021 (May - Nov. only!)

Despite the fact we haven't been allowed to carry out events in December 2021, we would like to remind you about the fact that we managed to organise 25 (!!) events between the lockdowns - hence, in the period from May to the end of November 2021 - all of them carefully summarised and with numerous pictures documented on our webpage.


ABS-NL 2021-08 events
In the planning and preparation

As long as there is no other official information available, we continue to prepare a range of events for the first months of 2022, hoping that we will not be facing another lockdown again (do we still count them? Which lockdown would it be? Number 4 or 5?...). Anyway, there is no reason not to undertake proper planning, as if we need to postpone them, we will do so, but as of now, here is what you can expect from us in January and February 2022:

  • 13.1. New Year's Reception (ABS Corporate Members only!)
  • 21.1. Coffeehouse Quiz
  • 28.1. Balloon Debate
  • 07.2. Her Majesty 60 years Crown Jubilee
  • 15.2. Lecture "Austrian Blackout prevention strategies"
  • 25.2. Vienna Theatre Project "Lady Day"
Please check your email inbox regularly as you receive ABS invitations and the registration links only via this channel. Just to mention: Many events are booked out in just a few hours. Hence, register as soon as you can! Many thanks!


ABS-NL 2022-01 - skoll
The ABS welcomes Lindsey Skoll CMG in Austria.

Lindsay Skoll CMG has been appointed Her Majesty's Ambassador to Austria and U.K. Permanent Representative to the U.N. in Vienna in succession to Mr Leigh Turner.

President Kurt Tiroch and former Ambassador Vice President Alexander Christiani have already touched base with H.E. Ambassador Lindsey Skoll at a meeting in the Ambassador's Residence to discuss the future cooperation with the Embassy. Traditionally, there is a very close and fruitful collaboration established over the years that are to be continued.

A more detailed portrait of H.E. Lindey Skoll will be published soon as she has settled in.

The ABS warmly welcomes H.E. Ambassador Lindey Skoll to our country and wishes her great success in her new role!


ABS-NL 2022-01 - corporate
The actual exclusive group of ABS Corporate Members

As we explained in the November edition of the ABS News, which unique advantages a Corporate Membership offers to companies and individuals, we want to highlight the list of companies we are pleased to have as a part of our valuable network.

Additionally, we take this opportunity to express our highest appreciation and to say


to so many of our ABS Corporate Members supporting us regularly. Without their assistance, we never could provide you with such an exclusive range of events throughout the year. And they are the ABS Corporate Members as per January 2022:


As already brought to your attention:

  • Account name: Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
  • Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG
  • IBAN: AT422011184479592100


ABS-NL 2022-01 - last page
Everything is a question of perspective


Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
Austro-British Society (ABS)
Georg-Coch-Platz 4, 1010 Wien


Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Jochen Ressel
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