April 2023


  • Editorial
  • Presidential Message
  • ABS Event highlights March 2023
  • ABS Events April 2023
  • Save the date 6 May 2023
  • ABS Blogs published
  • Happy Mother's Day
  • ABS Corporate member list
  • The Last Page


Dear Members and Friends of the ABS!

There is not much positive news reaching us from the UK. Fierce debates in the House of Commons, immigration problems caused by “small boat immigrants”, the still dramatic situation of the NHS with unacceptable ambulance and treatment waiting times, disastrous reports and scandals at the Metropolitan Police, strikes on a scale not seen since Thatcher’s times and discussions about the effects of Brexit - all this gives little room for rays of hope.

Once again, a Royal event will be the reason for all UK citizens to become aware of the stabilising factor for society through the monarchy – the coronation of King Charles III on 6 May can thus become an essential political and social factor.

We at the Austro-British Society are committed to providing you, our valued members, with a wealth of high-quality information to equip you with expertise. To achieve this, we use our widely appreciated regular event formats, our ABS Blog articles, and our digital channels.

Thank you for all the various positive feedback on all our activities, and we hope you enjoy this issue of ABS News, which summarises what we did last month and what is planned for the months ahead!

Yours, Jochen Ressel,
ABS Secretary-General & ABS News Editor-in-Chief


How the ABS Corporate members help to develop our activities

As I have often mentioned, we are very grateful that, in addition to the 400 individual members, we have also been able to welcome more than 40 company members for many years. Of course, we are happy to accept the increased membership fee to finance our diverse events. But the fundamental importance of our corporate members to ABS is in the additional benefits we are happy to take advantage of. As always, in life, there is give and take. With regular contact from me, I am constantly trying to find out whether partial or even complete financing would be possible for one of our planned events. Of course, I am also happy to respond to the wishes and concerns of our corporate members and use our strong network in Vienna and London, which has proven itself many times.

I want to cite two current examples here:
  • Our Coronation Party will take place on May 6th. That alone had been clear to me for months, but of course, not how and where. A few weeks ago, I regularly met with Christoph Folliot Crenneville, Sales Manager at our corporate affiliate, A World of Delicious Food/Fortnum & Mason. We discussed possibilities for closer cooperation. To cut a long story short: The Coronation Party will take place in the inner courtyard, and the sales premises of Fortnum & Mason, the English cult brand, at Himmelpfortgasse 13, 1010 Vienna and will be sponsored to a large extent. The event is coordinated in detail and includes many highlights that will not be revealed today. Servus TV and ORF Seitenblicke have already expressed their interest. The day before, on May 5th, Eva Vaskovich-Fidelsberger (also CM with us) will report on the birth chart of King Charles III, and I will report on our coronation party on “Guten Morgen Österreich ORF 2”.
  • Recently we were able to include Morgan Austria, an importer in Schwertberg, as a new company member. Since we know the managing director of Morgan Austria, Robert Engstler, very well from his time as managing director of Bentley Vienna, Gustav Trubatsch, ex-boss of Castrol Austria and ABS Board member, was able to book another event. The British Car Excursion in June will take us to Morgan in Schwertberg. The details are being finalized. Watch this space.
As a company member, you have my undivided attention - please do not take it as a threat, but only as appreciation! Don’t be shy - just try!

Prof KR Dr Kurt Tiroch
ABS President


Vortrag und Diskussion mit Univ.Prof. DDr. Paul Zulehner: "RELIGIONEN – HOFFNUNG FÜR EINE TAUMELNDE WELT?!"

Ein großartiges Highlight höchster intellektueller und religionsphilosophischer Qualität war das Event am 7. März 2023 in der Diplomatischen Akademie. Klicken Sie hier um zum umfassenden Rückblick mit vielen Fotos zu gelangen:

In der Diplomatischen Akademie konnten sich Member der ABS am 29. März 2023 mit Hintergrundwissen höchster Qualität ausstatten. Klicken Sie hier um zum umfassenden Rückblick mit vielen Fotos zu gelangen:


A row of great events planned for April

Scotland and The Old Firm are calling!
  • Travel to Scotland to experience a special football match, Celtic vs Rangers, and visit Edinburgh
  • from April 6th to 10th, 2023

Die Himmelsleiter – Der wahre Sinn unseres Lebens auf Erden
  • Vortrag mit Präsentation des gleichnamigen Buches von Prof. DDr. Johannes Huber im Curhaus St. Stephan
  • am 18. April 2023, 19.00 Uhr

Globale Auswirkungen des Krieges, u. a. der Auseinandersetzung der USA mit China
  • Vortrag und Diskussion mit Brigadier i.R. Dr. Walter Feichtinger in der Diplomatischen Akademie.
  • am 25. April 2023, 19.00 Uhr

Morgan Start of Season Party
  • Die britische Traditions-Automarke Morgan lädt zur Saison-Auftaktparty nach Trumau.
    • am 29. April 2023


Coronation of King Charles III.

King Charles will be officially crowned on 6 May. As this will be the first coronation in over 70 years, it will be an unforgettable day for Great Britain and the entire Commonwealth, which the Austro-British Society will also celebrate accordingly. Planning is underway, and details will be sent to you by e-mail as soon as possible. If you read this ABS News' Presidential Message you get an indication of the planning status.


    Know-how for ABS Members

    In March, the Austro-British Society published another two blog articles providing top information. The first blog was written in context of the upcoming coronation of King Charles, headlined “The ‘Green King’”, and the second highlights the most important political and social developments of the last decades to enable a better mutual understanding of the differences between the UK and Austria. Click here to read these interesting ABS Blog articles:


      Not in May? Seriously?

        British Mother’s Day is better known as Mothering Sunday. Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May in our region. But in the UK, it is different. Unlike in our area, Mothering Sunday is always celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Christian Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. So, the date of Mothering Sunday in the UK can vary each year and even fall in different months. In 2010, Mothering Sunday was celebrated on 14 March, whereas in 2011, it was celebrated on 3 April.

        As in other countries, Mothering Sunday is when children pay special attention and respect to their mothers by giving them a small gift, flowers, and a Mother’s Day card. In many British churches, it is customary to give the children of the congregation a small bouquet of flowers to pass on to their mothers to thank them for their love.

        Mother’s Day has been celebrated in Great Britain since the 16th century. How this holiday came about can no longer be traced with absolute certainty. What is certain, however, is that Mothering Sunday was also often called “Refreshment Sunday” or “Mid-Lent Sunday”. On Refreshment Sunday, the strict fasting rules were relaxed somewhat to honour Christ’s “feeding of the 5000”. It is assumed that Refreshment Sunday became Mothering Sunday because it became a tradition on this very day to visit the largest church in the area, i.e. the “mother church” of the smaller houses of worship. This gave rise to the term “to go a mothering”. Young servants were only allowed to visit their family on one day a year. This was on Mothering Sunday, and since the young people were allowed to bring their mother a cake, eggs or flowers from the garden, Mothering Sunday became Mother’s Day, when the mother was given presents and honoured.

        Source: https://www.england.de/events/mothers-day


        ABS-NL 2023-03 - handshake
        Also, this month, it is necessary to update you

        Last month, we already provided you with an actual ABS Corporate member list – but as we are constantly growing, we feel the obligation to keep you up to date. Therefore, we provide you with the latest version herewith.

        Click below to open the entire ABS Corporate member list:



        Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
        Austro-British Society (ABS)
        Georg-Coch-Platz 4, 1010 Wien
        office@oebrg.at |

        Account name: Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft | Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG | IBAN: AT422011184479592100 | BIC: GIBAATWWXXX

        Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Jochen Ressel
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