February 2023
ABS-NL 2023-02


  • Editorial
  • Presidential Message
  • Attention: The old ABS bank account is closed shortly!
  • ABS Events: Review and outlook
  • A football trip to Scotland
  • Lately it happened at the ABS
  • The Last Page


ABS-NL 2023-02 - ressel
Dear Members and Friends of the ABS!

I sincerely hope that you all have had an excellent start to this year and that our honourable society has been able to contribute to this, for example, through our New Year’s Reception or our New Year’s blog article.

We may look forward to this year with apprehension – probably another year of war in Europe, with volatilities at all levels that may affect us directly and indirectly. Each of us will have to deal with the effects differently, and we must be prepared for uncertainty accompanying us as the defining factor of our times. Community helps to counter the oppressive feeling of uncertainty and fear of what the future may hold for us. Community strengthens, can convey the joy of life, and offers space for exchange – among other things - about how everyone deals with current situations and which different recipes help different people.

What helps, in any case, is openness. We have to honestly accept our current overall life situation as such and say: “Yes, this is how it is now – yes, there is insecurity, and yes, there are major impacts with which I have to cope with, and there is nothing to sugar coat about that.” Repressing, pushing away, negating and ignoring are not good counsellors. They block our view of what needs to be done. As board members of the Austro-British Society, we work voluntarily and with great pleasure to help you establish this mindset – through community, moments of joy of life and meaningful, practical knowledge transfer.

Finally, I’d like to share with you an impressive sentence that a 10-year-old young man recently said to me, leaving me amazed when we talked about the “fear” factor. He said, “Fear is good, because if you do not know fear, you cannot be courageous.” What a word!

Yours, Jochen Ressel,
ABS Secretary-General & ABS News Editor-in-Chief


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An update on our membership development

The ABS is growing – no wonder, as we set unique activities and hardly any – if any – of the bi-lateral societies can keep up, or indeed any other association in general. Therefore, we are happy to welcome new members at each of the monthly board meetings – both individuals and corporate members.

We welcome all these new members to our honourable society and invite them to our events, policy papers, blogs and social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn to take full advantage of your membership.

The ABS has one advantage: the number of members is not limited! In other words, we are allowed to continue to grow, and you, as a distinguished member, can play an essential role in this!

A few members are very supportive and spread the word about the ABS among their acquaintances and invite friends to join us to get to know our community. We particularly appreciate these initiatives. Should we, of all 400 members, out of this handful of committed promoters, also be able to inspire YOU to do the same to your colleagues and invite your friends to join us, you can actively contribute to making the ABS an even more influential voice in our country when it comes to bilateral cooperation, communication and understanding between the UK and Austria through an even more significant number of members. Let us try together – you can be assured: I support you wholeheartedly in this! May the exercise succeed!

Prof KR Dr Kurt Tiroch
ABS President


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The old ABS bank account is closed shortly!

We highly appreciate that you, as one of our distinguished members, contribute well to the ABS activities through your membership fee. As frequently communicated, we changed our bank account, and after more than a year of running both accounts, we are closing the old bank account shortly. To make sure you do not transfer money to a non-existing bank account, please update your ABS Membership bank account data in your records to the only one valid account, which is as follows:

  • Account name: Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
  • Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG
  • IBAN: AT422011184479592100
Many thanks for paying attention to this change! Our ABS Treasurer, Wolfgang Geissler, is highly appreciating your support!


What an amazing start to the new year!

We waited almost until mid-January to start with our event series to allow all of you to settle after returning from your holiday and the restart of “normal life” on January 9th. Although almost 2 weeks of January were gone, we had to offer two high-quality events in the 2nd half of January, which were outstandingly well received! The overwhelming feedback from so many of you motivates us to continue our successful way!

For all of you who haven't had a chance to participate, we will provide summaries and many pictures of previous events through our ABS News, as you are already used to. Enjoy browsing!
  • January 11th, 2023: ABS New Year's Reception at Cafe Ministerium with almost 100 participating members - including a wonderful Whisky tasting! Click here for details:
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  • January 19th, 2023: Movie Premiere "Emily" at the Votiv Cinema, exclusively for ABS Members as a cultural highlight! More than 70 members had the chance to participate and enjoyed it. Click here for details:
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Outlook February 2023

Another two events are planned to take place in the near future and for one of them you have your invitation in your email inbox already.

  • Buchpräsentation "AHMICI": Die acht Tage des 13jährigen Adnan im Bürgerkrieg in Bosnien und Herzegowina von und mit dem Autor Thomas Obruča und dem Protagonisten des Buches, Adnan Zec.
    • Donnerstag, 9. Februar 2023 um 18:00 Uhr im Café Ministerium
  • Vienna Theatre Project "AIRSWIMMING": The new play only a few days after its premiere, exclusively for ABS Members. A heart-warming "dramedy" about the struggle of women all over the world for recognition and equal rights.
    • Friday, February 24th, 2023 at 7.30pm at Theater Drachengasse, Vienna.


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ABS Members have the opportunity to join an outstanding football experience and much more!

You've been to all the great football stadiums in the world, but you're still missing the “Old Firm”, the mother of all football derbies of Celtic Glasgow vs Glasgow Rangers? Then secure your place today for our special Easter trip. Our trip is not only about this famous football match, but we also show you the Scottish capital Edinburgh, the economic metropolis Glasgow and make a trip to the Highlands. Get all details by clicking here:
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“I never get promoted.”

    New Year’s reception of the ABS – best atmosphere – very well attended. And whenever the ABS organises special events, representatives of the ORF society magazine “Seitenblicke” announce themselves because one thing is sure: the tremendous atmosphere is best to be captured on film, and whimsical interviews are guaranteed. It is just as certain that the reporters are always particularly interested in one topic: The Royal family.

    This is precisely what happened on 11 January. What the Seitenblicke team could not have expected, however, was the presence of a true “Prinz” - in the person of Dr Mario Prinz, Senior Whisky Advisor, who supplied the ABS members with noble liquid delicacies. Asked in the interview whether he would have to change his name as Prince Charles became King Charles, he whimsically replied: “No, you know, I’m just like Prince Harry - I never get promoted - I will always just be Prinz.”


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    Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
    Austro-British Society (ABS)
    Georg-Coch-Platz 4, 1010 Wien


    Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Jochen Ressel
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