December 2022
ABS-NL 2022-12 - header


  • Editorial
  • Presidential Message
  • ABS Events November 2022
  • ABS December plannings
  • ABS Media update
  • Book "The British Classic Car Collection"
  • The Last Page


Dear Members and Friends of the ABS!

Human rights, equality, diversity, solidarity – these terms are on everyone's lips these days. The reason for these worldwide discussions is that the FIFA World Cup is currently in Qatar. Interestingly, all kinds of people - celebrities, athletes and ordinary people, fans or not - are expressing themselves through traditional and social media with an intensity never seen before. And it is not too much to say that this is the most extensive discussion of values we have seen in the last decades.

The reason that triggered these discussions is certainly not good, but there is no question that we should have been discussing values and which ones are important to us much earlier. Personally, I have missed a serious and honest discussion about values in recent years, if not decades, because it is essential for a society to discuss what is important to us to create a shared social understanding. Let's hope it doesn't take another questionable event to remind us that a shared understanding of values makes culture and allows nations to pull together.

The Austro-British Society, our honourable society for which it is our pleasure to work, wants to create culture: We want to provide you, as a distinguished member, with forums for discussion on a variety of topics - be it through events and lectures, or be it by encouraging you to comment on our ABS Blogs, Policy Papers and social media postings. We feel it is our duty and responsibility to do this for you! Thank you for your diverse appreciative feedback on our work!

Enjoy reading this issue of ABS News, with which we inform you about our current activities. And finally, I wish you all the best and not too much stress as you prepare for the Christmas season!

Yours, Jochen Ressel,
ABS Secretary-General & ABS News Editor-in-Chief


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A short summary of the year

In December, we will again show a strong performance with at least four events and thus have actually organised 35 events this year (at the beginning also with Corona restrictions). Every single event is documented with reports and photos so that everyone can convince themselves of the multitude, quality and diversity of our event programme.

As a second focus of our activities, our social media presence is becoming more apparent. With our ABS website, Policy Papers, blogs, Facebook and Instagram, we have constantly been active for years with ongoing mailings and postings. At the beginning of December, as announced, we are launching a new platform with Linkedin to draw the attention of more interested people to the ABS and make ourselves more strongly heard.

But if you think that's it for our social media activities, you're wrong. Twitter is already in the starting blocks as a new project and additional platform. We are still waiting to see how the current turbulences on Twitter will turn out, but at the beginning of next year, we will be ready to start here as well - may the exercise be successful!

In conclusion, a word of thanks. For sure, you can imagine that all the aforementioned is not happening by itself. Each of these activities involves great effort, responsibility and a sense of duty and is driven forward independently by many ABS Board members. I myself do not belong to this select circle due to a lack of competence and because I already have enough to do with the organisation of the events. Therefore, a very special thank you to my ABS Board member mates, who do so much for our presence in the digital world!

Prof KR Dr Kurt Tiroch
ABS President


Reports and countless photos of the last ABS Events

Through the years, each event of the hundreds organised by the ABS has carefully been documented - for you, if you participated in looking back, and for you, if you haven't had the chance to be part of, to be informed and getting key information of what happened. Here is what we provided in November:

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ABS-NL 2022-12 - event3


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Heading towards the year-end - full of high-level events!

December is traditionally a month in which the ABS provides outstanding events - some are almost traditional, but we always try to increase the attractiveness. So have an eye on your email inbox and register as soon as you receive the invitation if you are sure you can attend! We are looking forward to seeing you very soon at one of the following occasions:

  • Vortrag von Dr. Andreas Salcher
  • "Die große Erschöpfung und die Quellen der Kraft"
  • in den Clubräumen der Österreichisch-Amerikanischen Gesellschaft
  • Einladung bereits versandt!

  • Benefizkonzert zugunsten HILFSTÖNE
  • mit Clemens Unterreiner und Künstler-FreundInnen
  • Evangelische Stadtkirche
  • Corporate Members only!

  • House of Scotland Event
  • im Pop-up-Store Krugerstraße 10, 1010 Wien
  • Einladung folgt!

  • ABS Pre-X-Mas Gathering
  • im Hotel Bristol Wien
  • inkl. gemeinsames Christmas-Carol-Singing
  • mit Mitgliedern der Wiener Dommusik


The Society's media work is of highest quality!

This is the report on our publishing work, which complements the event activities of the ABS. We are providing food for the brain, always up-to-date and timely with regard to what is actually happening on the globe.
ABS-NL 2022-12 - linkedin
  • As it was announced in the ABS-News Presidential Message last month, the LinkedIn presence of the ABS is now live. We will provide business-orientated content on this channel, complementing the ABS online presence consisting of the webpage, Instagram and Facebook.
  • As the ABS creates fascinating content via Policy Papers, Blogs and at numerous events, this new channel will create an even bigger reach and will attract an additional audience for the ABS.
  • Follow the ABS now on LinkedIn
  • But you can do even more: Connect the ABS-LinkedIn presence with your personal profile by mentioning your ABS membership in the “Volunteering” section (“Ehrenamt”) of your personal profile. Just click on the “+” when editing your profile and enter “Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft” in the appropriate field. As the ABS pops up, click on it and save it. It is that easy!
ABS-NL 2022-12 - policy paper
  • Our ABS Vice president, former Ambassador Dr Alexander Christiani, negotiated the publishing of an outstanding Policy Paper regarding the US midterm elections, written by Dr Josef Braml. The outlined scenarios are highly interesting, even after knowing the midterms' results, as they indicate what to expect from US politics in the next two years until a new presidential election occurs.
  • Click here to read ABS Policy Paper No.31 online
  • Click here for pdf-Download
ABS- NL 2022-12 - negotiations
  • This very useful ABS Blog article provides suggestions out of diplomatic practice to make negotiations successful. Former Ambassador Dr Alexander Christiani summarised 10 helpful rules in a compressed way, which everybody should remember who wants to achieve negotiation goals.
  • Click here to read the ABS Blog article
  • Click here for pdf-Download
ABS-NL 2022-12 - brexit
  • Based on a remarkable Financial Times documentary, ABS Secretary General Jochen Ressel summarised the effects on the British economy, which can clearly be allocated to be a result of Brexit. The changes in currency exchange rates vs the US-Dollar, the UK export development, the cost of borrowing and the actual GDP development are covered, just like the impact on SME's and the UK budget. In the end, the question is answered what the UK needs now to manage a successful future.
  • Click here to read the ABS Blog article
  • Click here for pdf-Download
ABS-NL 2022-12 - qatar
  • The current FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar is probably the most controversial ever. Which circumstances led Qatar to be promoted to host the World Cup as the world's biggest sporting event? Which irregularities have been detected, and which accusations have been made prior to the event? How is the FIFA decision-making procedure working, and why is it stimulating bribery and corruption? Jochen Ressel, ABS Secretary General and COO of a sports fintech company, provides insights on this highly interesting topic.
  • Click here to read the ABS Blog article
  • Click here for pdf-Download


ABS-NL 2022-12 - classiccar
Die ABS Buchempfehlung

„The British Classic Car Collection“ in Furth im Triestingtal umfaßt knapp 60 – ausschließlich britische – Automobile. Die Palette reicht von AC bis Wolseley und auch große Namen wie Aston Martin, Jaguar oder Rolls Royce fehlen nicht – weder in der Sammlung noch im Buch. Auf 344 großformatigen Seiten mit mehr als 1.000 Abbildungen werden diese Fahrzeuge und die dahinter stehenden Marken liebevoll dokumentiert.

Der Autor des Buches ist ABS Vorstandsmitglied Wolfgang M. Buchta, der als Technikhistoriker (Mit-)Begründer der Zeitschrift „Austro Classic“ ist, und mit „The British Classic Car Collection“ nun sein bisher umfangreichstes Werk vorlegt.
ABS-NL 2022-12 - buchta
  • „The British Classic Car Collection“ - Wolfgang M. Buchta
    • Hardcover, Fadenheftung, Format 30 x 24,7 cm (quer) 2143 g, 344 Seiten, über 1.000 Abbildungen, ISBN: 978-3-200-08595-4
    • EUR 49,80
  • Bestellungen durch KLICK AUF DIESEN LINK


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As already brought to your attention:

  • Account name: Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
  • Erste Bank der oesterreichischen Sparkassen AG
  • IBAN: AT422011184479592100


Österreichisch-Britische Gesellschaft
Austro-British Society (ABS)
Georg-Coch-Platz 4, 1010 Wien


Für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Jochen Ressel
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